Sunday, June 2, 2019

Obama the Great Divider

Barack Obama says U.S. gun laws 'don't make sense' and that it's even possible to 'buy machine guns'

Obama loves to belittle U.S. policy, our country and President Trump. We actually pay the secret service to follow-him around everywhere he goes in the world and allow him to have his freedom of speech. He's not doing our country any favors.

Obama is the most costly former president in history costing taxpayers over $1 million a year. On top of that, he made sure that he would be protected for life: On January 10, 2013, President Barack Obama signed the Former Presidents Protection Act of 2012, reinstating lifetime Secret Service protection for his predecessor George W. Bush, himself, and all subsequent presidents.[Wikipedia]

So, in spite of the generous retirement package he is receiving, He still bad mouths our country


  1. Who cares about Obama? He's irrelevant to MAGA. Why waste time on him?

  2. The reason why we care about Obama is that he is a big part of the Swamp. He was the one behind this entire mess.

  3. He's gone. As is his legacy. Our president made sure of that. Let's concentrate on kicking the Dems arse in 2020 and quit living in the past!

  4. @9:39--What Obama is now doing is THE PRESENT. No one is living in the past but it is important not to ever forget.

  5. Anon at 8:39 is right. The more we repeat Obama's name, the more he remains in the news. Repeat after me: Trump, Trump, Trump!

  6. BUT, BUT, BUT, BUT--Obama IS in the news and we need to point out what he is doing and who he is cow-towing to.

  7. If only Obama would just disappear into private life! I say Logan act his skinny rear end.
