Sunday, June 2, 2019

Hillary is the reason why she lost the 2016 election

The White House knew of the Hillary e-mail lies

"As the Deep State's attempted coup collapses and Attorney General Barr hones in on who did what and why, it's worthwhile to remember the last two-and-a-half years of national turmoil has its roots in Hillary Clinton's illegal private email server. Had Trump not won, there would have been no need to solicit the phony dossier that fueled the Russia-collusion probe.

Had the revelation of State Department emails being sent to Anthony Weiner's unsecured laptop not come to light so close to the election, Clinton might have won. Had Clinton not deleted subpoened emails from her server and given such disingenuous explanations for her activities, America's suspicions might not have been raised. Had she not created the crisis with her private server, there would have been no FBI "investigation" that many suspect was meant to whitewash her crime and keep her electable."  [WND]

To this day, Hillary still likes to blame her loss on the Russians and a fantastical collusion between them and Trump even after the Mueller Report came out with the legal opinion of NO COLLUSION. And this corrupt woman, with no shame, is still running her mouth all over the world and on college campuses.

Judicial Watch has found another piece of the puzzle that shows just how culpable for all this Hillary Clinton is.

I've had Hillary supporters come on this blog in the past mocking me for continuing to bring up Crooked Hillary. This case isn't over.

Read about "extremely careless" Hillary

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