Monday, June 17, 2019

Making America Muslim

Even though Sharifa Alkhateeb (1946 – 2004) is no longer on this Earth having met her maker, the goal of all Muslims continues, more so than ever.

We have Muslims elected to Congress and local governments, all Democrats. Their ultimate goal is to Make America Muslim. For all of you Democrats, Socialists, Communists, etc. who just don't understand, view the video.


  1. The muslims would never be able to do this in Canada, they must conform to Canada's way of life. They cannot display all of this there like the liberal USA which allows this crap!

  2. Women are never satisfied with the way things are. In their own country, we wouldn't hear a peep from them.

    I think we should reconstitute the draft, and make sure women are drafted. That would shut a lot of them up.

  3. OMG. Muslims are taking over America. But first we have a white nationalist who loved the Confederate flag shooting up a federal courthouse in Dallas today armed with a weapon of war and carrying lots of ammo.

    You won't say anything about the latter because it messes up your sinister scarefest and bigotry party that you're throwing over here, every day of the week....because that's what the Republican Party is about these days, according to you.

  4. are some joke!
    That is the Muslim goal--to take over, not only America, but the world with their awful religion. Read up on it.
    Don't know about the white guy who shot up the federal court house if he loved the Confederate flag or not, which is irrelevant to the incident. He's now dead. Don't know that he was a white nationalist that you want to label him. No one knows why he did it. Perhaps he's just a freaking kook inspired by CNN :)
    “The Department of Justice cannot label such acts as terrorism because there is no law under which they can do it.” Tell it to your favorite congresswoman, Lois.
    P.S. I happen to like the Confederate flag as it is a part of our history, good or bad. And one bit of terrorism done by white people such as people you seem to revere is the desecration of Confederate Monuments. Sort of like Nazi German banning books only this time it is by alt-Left haters still dividing our country on a war that was fought 150 years ago. LOL Get with the program and get on the Trump Train...Make America Great Again.

  5. 4.52 my opinion for this take over is americans don't want it but it is just like lbtgq they are afraid to say anything or be sued.really tired of these groups changing the laws to suit me racist for these beleifes but they are mine.there wouldn't be a problem if everyone would listen to each other and like "Rodney King" said cant we all just get along

  6. There is much truth in what you say, 10:33. As many a sage has contemplated: The answers are easy, it's the questions that are difficult. Historians are still pondering the causes for the Crusades. The whole world is full of people who hate us, and would like to see us eradicated from the planet. And yet, they all want to come here. Who can explain it? All of this didn't just happen. Americans made it happen, with the help of many of the worlds immigrants. But, now it is all different. They want to come here, not to build, but to destroy. Is there an answer, or is it the "War of the Worlds"?
