Monday, June 17, 2019

Community ID's for Illegals

The article in today's Palm Beach Post on Community ID's was informative. It mentioned the concerns of illegal aliens trying to open bank accounts, etc. in our county and who want a community ID to facilitate their every desire while living here. Why are we trying so hard to make life easier for illegals? They are here against our laws.

On December 4, 2018, the idea of community ID's passed on a 3/1 vote at the Lake Worth City Commission meeting, Scott Maxwell dissenting. Commissioner Amoroso is the one who put it on the agenda. Mayor Pam Triolo cut out of the meeting prior to the discussion and vote. So, our alt-left commissioners favored it.

The article mentioned that 25% of our city consists of "undocumented" people. It seems like more than that when you constantly run into people who speak no English. The commission likes to tell us that our city has 37,000 residents. Using that figure, we have 9,250 illegals. Even Belle Glade has a lessor percentage of illegals at 20%.

Read about it...


  1. Can't these commissioners do their job? Totally ruining our town.

  2. Omari wants to turn every residence in town into a flop house for God knows who and God knows how many renters. Thanks for ruining our town ,Omari. You sure lost my vote!

  3. All illegals and all renters in LW, who the hell wants to live in this chaos? We moved, not fun, a real mess.

    Gov. DeSantis just signed a anti sanctuary city in FL, so this should not be allowed at all, we are not here in the USA and FL to allow illegals to be here illegally, they all must be rounded up and to be deported. If 25% are illegal in LW, then deport them all. We as voters want law and order and an end to all this lawlessness. This all must stop!
