Thursday, June 20, 2019

Iran Ready for War

Iran Shoots Down American drone

"In a major provocation, Iran shot down an unarmed and unmanned U.S. RQ-4A Global Hawk drone (worth $180 million) while it was flying in international airspace over the Strait of Hormuz Thursday, U.S. Central Command confirmed in a statement."

Read about it...

Iran says it is completely ready for war and feel empowered by Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats who have verbally stated their disdain for the president regarding his policy on the terrorist state of Iran, a country that has been virtually "at war" with us for years.

Now, what is the president going to do about it? Pelosi is sacred out of her wits.


  1. @4:19--"Your BOY in the white House?" FU*K your disrespect.
    And FU*K you for not understanding that Trump knows exactly what he is doing. Democrat shills are slow to learn.
    Go take a flying leap.

  2. You're right there. I don't respect your boy in the White House. I think he's a bum in the park. I think you're a shill for him, and it's about time somebody told you the truth about yourself. You're a nobody from nowhere, and the only place you're going is to boot hill.

  3. Actually, we're all going to "boot hill" other than you, perhaps--the fire below is good enough.
    You don't like Trump because? He's not as crass as you are? Do you see something in his personality that you don't like? You don't hesitate to tell me how you feel. He does the same about Democrats and the media. Similar?
    You just can't take being a loser. It's tough being a loser.
    TRUMP 2020

  4. @4:19---Did you ever hear of Fast & Furious? Fast and Furious began under the Obama administration, dating its inception to October 2009. (Obama took office in January 2009)..allowed guns to be sold and brought into Mexico. Obama lied and Eric Holder is criminal.

  5. Keep throwing bombs, Lynn. That's all you got. It's a new conspiracy or charge that never goes anywhere every fucking day of the week.

    We're all tired of your BS. All of us.

  6. Why would you think that because somebody didn't like Trump, that they would automatically like Obama. One thing has nothing to do with the other. It's not a mathematical equation with a simple and logical solution. Some people are drawn to a presidential candidate who stresses improvements in living conditions for the underclass; others are more interested in International Relations; still others want a president who shares their moral values. I'll just be satisfied with one who doesn't start WWIII.

  7. Oliver North most likely sold Iran the weapons used to attack the Japanese tanker and our drone. That’s politics folks! Lol! Sad!

  8. @7:51--I posted this as an example of a delusional and lying brainless Democrat.

  9. Republicans! Democrats! A Pox on both their houses. Let's get something done. Lynn talks about term limits in this stupid little city. We need term limits for the vermin in congress. They laugh all the way to the bank. Pity the small mind that hasn't figured that out yet.

  10. Iran-Contra, have you forgotten, remember voting for Carter and The Greek? Lol

  11. @9:26--I believe in TERM LIMITS for Congress and agree with Senator Rick Scott on this matter. Happy to know that our mind is not "small."
