Saturday, June 29, 2019

Human Trafficker lived here in Lake Worth (Beach)

Human-trafficking probe involving prostitution leads to two Palm Beach County arrests

We live among the dregs.

One of the arrests was that of "Maigret Alvarez who recruited women from different countries, bringing them to the United States to work as prostitutes. He controlled prostitution in the Lake Worth area and in other counties. To secure their cooperation, Alvarez allegedly threatened their families."

Read about it...


  1. NOT A SURPRISE. I used to have a whore house a few houses up from me and the little Guats would line up in the alleyway 50 guys long waiting to go in, they destroyed lake worth, thanks andy and pam for your sanctuary city crap. How would you like this up by your house pam? the elected and police never do anything, they city has gone to hell, who in their right mind would want to live in Lake Worth anymore?

  2. AMEN ! 9:51. I used to care about this $hit hole . I used to think that change could happen here.Being told by the EX Supervisor of election "Lake Worth has 17,000 registered voters. We update the voter roles constantly".Where the elections show only about 3,000 people voting.What a lie. Told to keep the tax payers in line.Impossible to get 10% of 17,000 to put anything on the ballot. Our currently elected pigs will never pry their snouts from the rich trough they've made for themselves. No term limits for them. Just benefits and trips to Hawaii !! Just stupid things like name changes and the efforts to put a flop house hotel in every home ! I'm done. Just counting the days till I can get the hell out!

  3. Yep @12:34. I’m working 2-3 jobs so I can get some renovations done on my house while still saving money towards a move. Then it’s up for sale. I really wish I could just pretend I never invested here. I am going to lose so much money on my house. I bought when it seemed things were looking up. I was warned not to, but I didn’t want to be a “naysayer”. Oh well.

    But don’t tell anyone you want to sell until you’re ready. Otherwise you’ll be literally harassed by vultures who think you’ll give it away.
