Saturday, June 29, 2019

“Hasta la victoria, siempre!” said Bill DeBlasio

Marco Rubio Puts De Blasio on Blast for His Weak Apology After Quoting Che Guevara to Miami Crowd

DeBlasio apologized for saying a slogan by Cuban Revolutionary Ernesto "Che" Guevara. De Blasio yells "Hasta la victoria, siempre!" which translates to "Until victory, always!"

Marco Rubio is not buying his apology that he says is "a simple mistake" and tweeted--


  1. Thank you, Mr Rubio for outing this huge, embarrassing phoney who doesn't understand his audience or history.

  2. I agree that he is a huge embarrassing phoney, but as far as the quip, I'm sure he knew exactly what he was saying, he's a student of the ideology. Like if you said "Arbeit Macht Frei", and chuckled.

  3. De Blasio -Just another elitist Bubble Boy who has no clue.
