Monday, May 20, 2019

Trump on Abortion Tweet

President Donald Trump favors exceptions in abortion bans

he tweeted Saturday night.

I agree with the President, 100%.

1 comment:

  1. They are finally starting to correctly acknowledge that this "clump of cells" is in fact a living being...... scientifically!! As a living being, it too has rights.

    The Constitution guarantees you the right to do anything you want with YOUR body as long as it doesn't interfere with someone else's rights. So you cannot terminate another's life within your body and claim it is your right. How barbaric is that?

    Life doesn't begin at conception nor does it end once you are buried. But there are ways to determine "life" such as a heartbeat or brain activity. These are scientific and biologic.

    Yes, exceptions should be made for rape, incest and mother's health.

    Yes the earth is getting hotter and is most likely caused by human activity, mainly the burning of fossil fuels.

    Carry on.
