Monday, May 20, 2019

Criminal Illegals

Armed Illegal Alien Breaks into Home, Gets WHOOPED by Homeowner

I love a headline like that.
See the illegal punk... and view the video.

Over $24 billion has been spent on illegals since Obama first became president in 2008.  We have an estimated 44.5  million illegals in our country right now and over one million illegal fugitives. Over 8 million are in our public schools that citizens are paying for and we have spent over $397 billion in social services.

Why won't the Democrats do something about this? Do they think we need to print money to support this outrageous invasion? Actually, they are all criminals for simply crossing our border and invading our country without the proper documentation.


1 comment:

  1. You see all the guys that were busted up in Ocala for paying for sex with an underage teen?

    How do we stop these dirtbags from sneaking across the border?

    Build The Wall!!
