Friday, May 24, 2019

The Rude Left

Democrats keep dishing out the dirt and being obnoxious--

On Tuesday, HUD Secretary Ben Carson had a contentious exchange with hard-left freshman Congressman Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), who obviously feels very empowered, during which she insulted him by telling him he was “unqualified” for his job and said he was “carrying the water of what I believe to be one of the most morally bankrupt presidents in our nation’s history.” Maybe she's the one who is unqualified.

Read about the deplorable Left

that believes its perfectly acceptable to be rude and full of venom and believes in freedom of speech except when it comes from a Republican. How dare this witch Democrat be so insulting to a professional? Whatever happened to manners?


  1. Dems are digging their own graves.Dr Carson's calm demeanor and intelligence is just what is needed.

  2. Sick of these deplorable Dems
