Friday, May 24, 2019

California Over-billed the U.S. Fire Services

Trump Administration Withholding Wildfire Assistance To California

After Audit Suggests Financial Mismanagement

Apparently, the communist State of California under the leadership of ultra-liberal, Gavin Newsom and Jerry Brown before him, have not turned in actual verified expenses to fight California's wildfires. Consequently, California over-billed the U.S. Fire Services in fighting fires on federal lands by $9million  because they had no proof of their claim.

This reminds me of Lake Worth.  This same thing went on after Hurricanes Frances, Jeanne and Wilma. I have written about this through the years where the city took millions of government money that it was not entitled to according to FEMA because of sloppy accounting or even possible fraud according to our outside auditors at the time. We even had a city manager, Paul Boyer, who was fired.

Lake Worth failed to submit all verified expenses to FEMA. However, Staff back then was turning in receipts for all sorts of personal items such as medicine and goods from Sam's Club. The City sure didn't want to pay back any of the money to FEMA and challenged them using Torcivia's Law firm and got the bill reduced. See my blog of May 2016. Click here


  1. this is an entitlement city

  2. Yeah! That's a good idea, just let it burn down.

    "God said to Noah: No More Water, it's the Fire Next Time".

  3. @922...what the hell does that comment mean?

  4. Do you think 9 million is a lot of money? I have neighbors that walk around with that much money.

    The fires killed a lot of people and devastated countless billions in property.

    Don't be so petty. It's not coming out of your pocket.

  5. @12:28--YES, I think it's a lot of money to rip off the government & taxpayers. Only a liberal would react they way in which you did.
    Mismanagement and corruption is a big problem in California. They spend more than that on illegal aliens and nothing much for their massive homeless population.

  6. Mismanagement and corruption are problems everywhere, and the homeless situation is due to an unwillingness to enforce basic laws. CA might be worse, but it is far from unique.
