Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Take the Trump Train June 26th

The very first National Debate between Democrat Presidential Candidates is Wednesday, June 26th, in Miami. After that, “debate fatigue” begins. Many more debates in other cities will continue for the next year. The hype & attention given to the first one will never be exceeded.

This is a unique moment in time that will never be available again for those of us who support the President. It is a flash point opportunity to direct the spotlight prior to the debate upon our opposition to Democrat policies. Call it a publicity stunt but it needs to be taken seriously and responsibly.

Prior to the debate is the best time for Patriots to be heard.

There will be no do-overs. Peaceful protest outside the debate location with traditional play book operations is necessary but inadequate. It is only a component of our messaging through the media. Unorthodox and unanticipated change in choreography is in the making and will be orchestrated to our advantage. A mini-pep rally on wheels in a controlled environment with civil discourse has already attracted media attention. Our Republican response to Democrats dragging us into the Dark Ages could easily go viral on YouTube.

That’s why our unified opposition begins with the journey to the debate. We leave 5:30 pm  from West Palm Beach on a chartered train car that will carry 60 Patriots to Miami by 6:45pm. No rush hour traffic will slow us down. FREE MetroMover brings us to the debate site. Protest from 7 to 9. Return trip north on the 9:40 pm train.

Television and News Print Media have already accepted invitations to travel with us. Trump supporters will have a voice and a caravan of our own. It will be about the journey & destination.

“Team Work makes the Dream Work”. Here is a way to “talk the talk”, “walk the walk”, travel as companions, and unite as Republicans.

Tickets are selling fast, and will be limited to the first 60 people. We have our own private train car. Price is $35 round trip. Photo identification, & security check will be required at the station 30 minutes prior to departure.  (We may soon commit to a second car if demand continues.)

Tom Vaughn
Member of the REC

Landline: 561-877-2416

1 comment:

  1. Make sure you don't get mugged on the Metro Mover. You should be okay, you've got plenty of people with you.

    The Metro Mover can be very scary if you're alone.
