Wednesday, May 29, 2019

America United Daily Poll

Poll Results: Will Obama Or Trump Go Down as One of The Greatest Presidents in US History?

Current Poll Results:
(38,213) 21%
(256,122) 79%


  1. President Trump is great! Has done so much for the USA!

    Obama was good for one thing, he brought about gay marriage, that will be his legacy and the best thing he did.

    Both and many before and after all still have done nothing about the national debt, Pres. Clinton was the last to address this. All after him and made it worse and do nothing about it, but make it worse.

    The Dems need to stop giving all away and have law and order, stop the compassion act which promotes lawlessness and freebees for all who only take advantage of them, not helping anyone dems.

  2. Lynn, you can hardly judge a great president from 2 years in office. People used to think JFK, Clinton, Teddy Roosevelt, Andrew Jackson, and so forth were great presidents. Now, they are pretty much discredited.

    I thought Nixon was one of the great presidents, and look where he wound up. Nixon was totally underrated. Talk about the news media and congress ganging up on a president!

    And this from some guys opening a filing cabinet!

    Nothing is new under the sun Lynn.

  3. I didn't realize that those presidents were ALL discredited. By whom? The PC crowd?

  4. making it ok for gays to marry doesnt do a good thing for AMERICA.only for a group.the president is in there for ALL the people.go PRESIDENT TRUMP and get the wall built for ALL of US

  5. Roosevelt was a Colonizer and Imperialist of the first order. JFK was addicted to pain medication and came from a family of rum runners; he was also a man of very low morals; Andrew Jackson presided over the "Trail of Tears"; and Clinton and his lovely wife speak for themselves.
    And by the way, these are only the well publicized things about them.

    If you are proud of these characters, please don't be ashamed to stand up and cheer!

  6. Who cares? Your a rare one that voted for both Obama and Trump!

  7. @5:28..prove it! You keep saying that...just like a damn broken record. I endorsed McCain in 2008. Then came along 2012...Romney.
    Both these guys were losers!

  8. if 5-28 thinks someone voted the way they think I will bet they don't vote.doesnt sound like they enjoy our freedoms

  9. 7:21 : Did you complete elementary school? Painful reading!

  10. WHY is Obama even considered? His wife gets the prize for the most frivolous travel with entourage.
