Monday, May 13, 2019

Socialism is Bad

We are all familiar with the Democrat Socialist Blame Game but now it has transcended to Cuban politics.

Cuba is the latest crisis subsequent to Venezuela. Cuba has been governed by the Communist Party. They have now instigated country-wide (about 11 million population) rationing of basic products. 67% of  the food Cuba consumes is imported.

Cuba is blaming this shortage of staples on the United States embargo when if fact it is directly Venezuela. "Venezuela 's state-run oil company has led to a 2/3ds cut in shipments of subsidized fuel to Cuba that they use for power and to earn hard currency on the open market." [Associated Press]

Read about it...

Venezuela and Cuba want to blame the U.S. and their latest is blaming the devastating effects of socialism in their countries on President Trump.

Socialism is bad. And it is bad that socialism is becoming "cool" again with 50% of Democrats and one 2020 contender along with his side-kick, AOC, both giving any credibility to it at all.

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