Monday, May 13, 2019

Lake Worth Business owner part of anti-Trump rally

Years ago there were several downtown businesses that supported the Atlanta Braves taking over 100 acres of John Prince Park. It was a highly political and contentious issue--those who were driven by self-serving interests and those of us who actually just wanted to keep the park as an environmental haven for people, animals and our wildlife. A few of the downtown shops installed signs in their windows supporting the Braves--one even had a sign on public property (the commission trio supported their view) in front of their restaurant. I have never entered any of these businesses since.

Some shops and restaurants to this day insist on putting a candidate's sign in their window. Not a smart move unless they put all candidate's signs in their windows just to show support for democracy.

Joyce Brown, owner and artist of Flamingo Clay Studio on J Street in Lake Worth and a pleasant gal, has been an activist all of her life and has displayed her political leanings in her art. A few years ago I stopped featuring Joyce on this blog.  I forget specifically what triggered it but it was something anti-Trump.

I honestly believe that businesses make a big mistake taking a political side but they are free to make stupid decisions. Joyce can get away with that in Lake Worth as this city is overwhelmingly liberal, full of left leaning Democrats and socialists. So why would I feature someone who has those outspoken views totally opposite from mine? And totally wrong? Why would I take the time to call attention to her studio?

On Saturday, Joyce was in the anti-Trump demonstration that left Dreyer Park and proceeded to Mar-A-Lago consisting of 200 marchers who believe that our president should be impeached and is a disgrace to humanity itself.

"We have got to make a point and not stand for a president who is bringing fascism to the country. We can't stay complacent or democracy will die a death of a thousand cuts."

~Joyce Brown

FLASH--NEWS FOR YOU:  Joyce, the President is anti-fascist and believes in capitalism and that government should play a smaller role in regulating business and managing the economy. Fascists are against democracy and want direct government control of everything.

We are in an economic boom right now directly related to Trump's policies. Don't forget that, Joyce. But as said, you are free to make dumb comments or march against the best president this country has seen in many decades. I am free to ignore your shop. We live in America, the greatest Republic on Earth.


  1. Joyce and her kind are the real modern fascists in America. They promote silence,shut downs,no honest debate. Why? Because they have no facts on their side. If the Third Reich were transported back to our time, in my opinion they would have recognized and celebrated Joyce as one of their own. They would have joined her in her fascist fight against Trump.A one world govt controlled system where Joyce and her fellow sheep are powerless as they are led off to slaughter would delight a reincarnated Hitler.

  2. It's funny 10:10, but I have the exact opposite opinion from yours, and I've studied the take-over of Germany by Hitler. I would love to be wrong on this one, but the evidence is increasingly leaning in the direction of my opinion.

    And don't forget Pearl Harbor: Wasn't it about the trade of lumber to the Japanese.

    Back in the time of Homer, when war was fun, and warriors were gods, you could have your own little Nation State. You can't go back.

  3. I don't go into dumb art shops anyway.

  4. 10:50 Why is Trump a fascist? Facts please. Swalwell and Harris mirror Hitlers views on an armed populace,by the way.

  5. Great post. Please keep us informed of who else vocally rejects Deranged Donald. Those are the businesses I want to shop at. Americans need to stick together.

  6. Glad I could make your day, anonymous at 1:49. I think all socialists and anarchists and haters should stick together. Sure don't want them or you around me or the rest of us sane people out here.

  7. If you stayed away from downtown, Lynn, believe me, a lot of us would be overjoyed. You don't like us and we sure don't like your kind in our city.

  8. I wish someone had given a heads up about the anti-trumpers headed for Mara Lago and when.,,I would have been inclined to find a way to ruin some of the day for many of those ignorant criminals to our culture.

  9. @3:34--My kind? LOL. Hey, uninformed liberal, it is also my city. I don't like all the bars there either.

  10. Greed and corruption are rampant in the USA and here where we live, especially with elected leaders pushing their crap, like in Lake Worth with the comm and mayor salaries and benefits. Lynn did you see the Sun Sentinel yesterday? Now Ft. Lauderdale commission want to give themselves huge raises, about $66K for comm and $78K for the mayor a year, for what for 2 meetings a month? I have lost all respect for our elected, greedy! These are service roles, not to make a huge salary. God and starting teacher here only makes like $40K a year and work a 40 hour week with kids, much harder than what these elected so a few hours a month and receive all these benefits, so much corruption and greed, most are democrats. Thank you President Trump for all you do and for donating your salary to good causes for the people of this country, I wish other elected would think the same.

  11. Dan--didn't know about it myself.

  12. 12:53 I didn't say Trump was a Fascist, and I don't really think he is a Fascist. I think he's a Capitalist, and I doubt if he really hates any group of people. The problem is, he uses this mechanistic approach to incite crowds of people who have for whatever reason, lost the prosperity they once enjoyed. Basically, this is what happened in Germany. The punitive affects of the Versailles Treaty left the German people without in some cases, even food. This gave rise to Fascism, which I would describe as an extreme form of Nationalism.

  13. 6:04--you sound like a sincere person but honestly you are full of BS. To even equate Trump and his supporters to Hitler and Germany is a hoot and you are 100% wrong. When Trump says he is a "nationalist," it means he has love for this country--America First and its sovereignty. Gimme a break!

  14. Lynn, you don't get to make up your own word definitions. If that is what he means, then he should make that plain to his audience. I agree with you that is what he means, and I more or less stated that in the post. Maybe you should listen to some of Hitler's speeches. They are easy enough to Google.

  15. "I would have been inclined to find a way to ruin some of the day for many of those ignorant criminals to our culture."

    What would you do, Danny? So people who don't share your political views, you're going to "ruin their day?" "Ignorant criminals?"

    Seriously, dude. Tell us what's on your 60-something mind...

  16. @6:53--if you are going to challenge someone who uses his own name, then don't post anonymously.

  17. Wear your red hats around town, folks. We'd love to know who y'all are. Businesses would enjoy knowing who they're serving and who is in their establishment. You're so proud to be a Trump supporters and you all love talking trash on blogs and message boards. Own some libs, people. C'mon, wear your hats and let all of us know that you love Trump!

  18. Sit down, Lynn.

    Dan here sounds a lot like he's threatening people. I may be mistaken, of course, but it sure sounds that way. Maybe he can tell me I'm wrong. I sure hope so.

  19. All it takes to ruin the day for these socialist traitors to America, is to shine the light of day on the truth of what they are doing. The implied threat is to destroy their narrative.

  20. @7:08--Sounds like you're threatening people.
    @7:13--Hope Dan does NOT engage with you, a coward.

  21. what we are getting out of PRESIDENT TRUMP is a chance to build ourselves up by working for what we need.not like the last jerk promising everything free insurance,free car,free houses,free food and you don't have to work for it.i would rather follow a capitalist than a commy socialist

  22. Speaking of "free stuff," farmers are getting tens of billions more of our tax money because of the trade wars. yes, let's talk about socialism.

  23. I think of Dan as a ground hog. He's sleeping for awhile, and then he pokes his head up to see what's going on around him. Soon, he'll go back into his burrow for a long nap. I think he's harmless!

  24. Farmers are standing by Trump. You should too! Wasn't it Obama who bailed out the auto industry? That was ok, right?

  25. @3:35--happy to know that you actually "think."

  26. @3:00--
    You just posted and I deleted the post accidentally. You mentioned that republicans were mad about the bailout of the auto industry back in 2008.
    Thirty-two GOP representatives voted with 205 Democrats in support of the bill while 20 Democrats and 150 Republicans opposed the bill. There was much concern on both sides of the aisle on loaning them the $$$$ believing that the government would never be paid back. Ford was the only motor company who did not take the loan. We never did get re-paid all the money.
    Farm subsidies have been going on forever and we give billions every year (over 16 billion)in subsidies to farmers and have since at least 2002. This trade war with China will be solved. In the meantime, farmers will get additional billions during this crisis.

  27. Ok, so don't take my word for it. Listen to Rush Limbaugh's Heritage Foundation.

    Even by your own figures it is clear that Republicans were clearly against the auto bailout.

    Again, you complain about free stuff being handed out all the time and the Democratic Party's "socialist" policies but yet when the Republican Party does it, you'll actually argue FOR it.

    And because you deleted my last comment, let me say this again: the farmers deserve every bit of relief to help them survive Trump's reckless actions. I'm for it.

    The point is the Republican Party's hypocrisy when it comes to giving out "free stuff."

  28. @9:21-
    You have taken over this thread-In other words, stay with the topic or write your own blog.
    This blog was about Joyce Brown and downtown businesses displaying their politics.
    The farmer subsidies have happened for decades. You want to compare corn with General Motors, a large corporation that never paid back all the loan and with executives making millions in compensation--to a farmer?
    You are comparing apples and oranges.
    The Republican Party believes in free enterprise--they give enough breaks to corporations to create jobs, etc. allowing their companies to make it. If they fail, Republicans don't believe in bailouts. With the motor industry, it was going to cost thousands of jobs if they all failed.
    The Republican Party does not believe in "free stuff." The Democrats own that one.
    Comparing food to cars is a big stretch. The farmers will find other markets for their products. We produce the food here and don't depend on China to give us seeds to grow that food. We give subsidies in order to stabilize the price of a commodity or service to keep it low enough so that the farmers can remain competitive with the same product that is imported here from countries paying their workers $1 a day.

    Trump has to take a stand right now on China. It's been a long-time coming.

    Let's stay on topic on these blogs.
