Sunday, May 5, 2019

Omar, now the face of the Democrat Party

Rep. Omar, We Don’t Care That You’re a Black Immigrant. We Care That You Hate Americans

"Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar claimed President Donald Trump and Republicans don’t like her because she’s a black woman and an immigrant serving in Congress — but she couldn’t be more wrong.

Omar made the comments at an anti-Trump rally on the front lawn of the U.S Capitol on Tuesday. Founders of the “Black Lives Matter” movement and communist professor Angela Davis organized the event, according to Democracy Now.

During the event, Omar referred to the president as “the occupant of the White House” and claimed that Republican criticism of her is rooted in racism and bigotry.

Read about Omar

Boy, is she ever lucky to live in this great country to be able to show open hostility towards our president and half the country as well as every principle we stand for. Democrats are so worried about gerrymandering--let's do something about her district and retire her for good. She is now the face of the Democrat Party, not AOC.

1 comment:

  1. heard this peace of crap on radio this morning talking about isreal the more these people talk the worse they sound
