Saturday, April 20, 2019

Nothing funky went on with Trump and Russia

NBC Host Asks Where Mueller Said There Was ‘No Collusion’, Lawyer Pulls Out Second Page

"Well, page two of the document says, ‘The investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign coordinated with the Russian government in its election of interference activities.’ So it’s right from the document itself.”

After reading the words on the 2nd page, later Jay Sekulow was asked by Trump NBC hitman Brian Williams again. Lawyer for the President said, "The investigation did not establish the Contacts described in volume one — that’s the Russian contacts — amounted to an agreement to commit any violation of federal criminal law, including foreign influence and campaign finance laws.” Page 181.

I started reading the 448 page report yesterday but got so many distractions. If you want to read it, there is a link to it on the right side of this blog. I wish that the report had mentioned the collusion with Hillary and her campaign with Russia.

Mark Levin pointed out that the bulk of “Volume II” was just a series of transcripts that amounted to “he said, she said” hearsay testimony, none of which had been challenged, and it was being treated by many in the media as Gospel. He said it was a bunch of "crap"...a political document. This is the volume that the Democrats are salivating over.

So now, we will have two more years of craziness and Congress getting nothing done but still trying to pin something on our president before the 2020 election. And in spite of no collusion, no obstruction, Mueller knew exactly what he was doing by inserting unverified statements and even including Volume II.


  1. None of this matters.

    Sworn testimony in a criminal investigation is devalued as "he said, she said." Investigators are partisans out to get the President. It's a witch hunt.

    The report "totally and completely exonerates" Trump and yet hacks like Levin are still complaining.

    Trumpsters will never believe ANYTHING negative about Trump. The man can do absolutely nothing wrong in their eyes. Any trial by jury would be discounted and a verdict would be "rigged."

    Because a verdict of Trump, is a verdict of Trumpsters. And they would never admit to being wrong.

    Americans will continue to do the right thing for this country. We're not going to let the lies and the people who stand up for the lies stop us.

  2. Let the Demsters like 9:39 rant and vent . Trump was totally vindicated. Now the fun starts as Hillary and the real Russian collusion is exposed. Remember 9:39, Your Goddess ,the satanic Pedophile Queen herself WAS GOING TO WIN !!! None of the lies and treasonous acts by the deep state were ever going to come to light. Lynn,the Demsters have been handed a huge ball of string for them to get entangled in . Meanwhile,President Trump will keep putting policies (and judges-bye Ruth) in place to help the American citizens.It can't get any more glorious than this,Lynn!! We win. You lose, 9:39. Again.

  3. 8.31 then denounce hilary

  4. Lynn, just FYI, I like Mueller because I like facts. I like the truth. I respect law enforcement and I don't crap on them like Trump does when they aren't serving his interests.

    The game isn't over. In fact, it's just begun. Americans won't rest until justice is served.

  5. Oh and Lynn, sign your name to your BS loony rant at 10:31 so that people know that you're some king of psycho who shouldn't be near anyone let alone packing a gun. You need to be red flagged.

  6. Justice will never be served as far as you people are concerned. it won't be served until Trump is convicted of something. This investigation was two years and cost the taxpayers $35 million and you losers are still moaning and groaning and wasting time and resources. just remember--He won.

    This dossier began on false charges and they now need to investigate Mueller and the rest of that team...delve into Obama, Hillary and all the rest of the lying losers.

    @12:38--that post is not mine. You know, I am about the only one who does post under my own name on my own blog. What do you losers do? Cowardly POS.
