Saturday, April 20, 2019

Martha MacCallum tells off Democrat

Martha MacCallum shuts down obstinate Dem in heated exchange: ‘You’re very rude, sir!’


  1. Actually, Martha started talking over him first. He kept his cool and she just lost it.

    If there was anyone who was ride and out of line it was Martha.

  2. No, this guy thought that he was the host of this all the democrat BS talking points on the He said, She said BS. He was definitely RUDE.

  3. Martha is starting to sound like Meghan Kelly. She should take a vacation.

  4. Even that innocuous woman on Morning Joe says she is a great reporter.

  5. Mika is an idiot. Martha is not like Mika, but don't you think these people get tired sometimes? Also, I too have noticed that she has been interrupting guests. When you do that, you are only advertising the fact that you are losing control.

    This is what Kelly used to do before her downfall.

  6. It's her show. This idiot refused to answer the question and instead began
    with the Democrat BS

  7. Lynn, why then, does she invite democrats on the show? Does she think they are going to do a mea culpa? Face It; she's inviting them on the show so she can make them argue with her. That's what the show is about. You don't have to defend her, she makes a lot of money.

  8. It's obvious that you do NOT watch FOX, anonymous @ 2:29. You have no clue about their business plan now. It has changed. More and more Democrats are on these shows and they just hired the former Chair of the DNC as a contributor, Donna Brazile. It's at the point where conservatives are tuning out.

  9. Well, Fair and Balanced is going to be on the radio!

    Lynn, there is nothing intelligent about constantly representing just one side of an issue. That's why CNN and MNBC are really marginal sources to get the news.

    I'm glad FOX is getting smart in time for the next election, so we all have the information we need to elect a President who will represent all of the people, not just right leaning folks. If Trump wins the next election, it will be because he earned it, not because he was the only choice against the hated Mrs. Clinton.
