Thursday, April 18, 2019

North O Street in Lake Worth

On Tuesday night, there was discussion about changing  the name of North O Street to North Ocean Breeze St. The city got a request from one resident to change the name, thus this discussion. One resident has this much clout?!

Omari Hardy is correct--He is not for changing the names of our streets and says it will probably be the last time he will vote to change the name of a street...the lay-out of the streets are "pretty logical" as they are mapped out.

The commission voted for it to go forward to get input from the residents on North O to change the name.

If you recall, it was Commissioner Robinson, several years ago, who instigated the name change on South O Street to South Ocean Breeze St. He lives on that street. Cute name but it seems that changing our history is an easy thing to do for some folks.

They changed the name of our city after 106 years and now the name change of our streets begin.


  1. No one is ever happy

  2. Logical? What’s so logical about have a North J street and a North J Terrace running parallel to each other?

  3. Omari won in a landslide--you didn't. I like the names of our streets exactly as they are. Stop changing everything.

  4. Lady I win everyday, even when I lose I win.

  5. You and your wacky friends were questioning where Omari lived and worked the first time he ran for commissioner, he don’t forget.

  6. Yes, that is true. It is/was like a Serge Jerome situation. We are here to question.
    And "he DON'T forget" Go back to 4th grade or something @9:02.

  7. Changing street names won't make you happy. Ocean Breeze sounds like a trailer park name. Surely, there is something that begins with O that has at least some dignity.

    The people who live here now, are so whacked out that they can't even handle the name of a street.

    This is what happens to old hippies. They ruined their kids, and now they are ruining the city.

  8. This commission suddenly wants to listen to what the residents want???? Oh yeah-only SPECIAL residents are listened to in this town. It really is time to go back to district by district voting.However-if M. Pass is the one wanting his street renamed I have a perfect one for him and his neighbors- "Azz Wipe Way".

  9. Why don't they change ALL the ABC up to M Streets names to FL flowering plant names or something nice instead of letters. Put some class in Lake Worth Beach! Ideas?

  10. putting class in lake worth is not painting buildings that look like a 6 year old did it or painting rainbow colors on city sidewalk in front of his people that think you know what class is better find some better pot and leave street names alone.the art in this town is not class.we have seen so much better in other cities.a bunch of clicks is not what kept this city going and you newbees cant see it.allyou want to do is get property rates up so you can sell out and leave a mess
