Thursday, April 18, 2019

News Media ratings will take a Nose-Dive on April 27

The news media need to learn not to kick the President especially when he is growing our economy. Read the accomplishments

How to sink news media ratings--

President Donald Trump will hold a “Make America Great Again” rally in Wisconsin on April 27 — at the same time that the 2019 White House Correspondents Associations dinner takes place. This is the third year in a row that he has declined the invitation. Trump stands for principles.

 Why don't the Democrats and the media get smart?


  1. Nothing but cheers for Trump for doing this. For too long, presidents have participated in a night of roasting and poking fun at each other...why? Just to prove they weren't namby pamby bullies who couldn't take the jokes? No! It was a waste of time. Trump has done the smart thing and run and hid from the jokesters. He owns them by being scared of them! Brilliant, as always.

  2. President Trump "scared" of something or someone? Where have you been in two years? Democrats just are lost little nasty people.
    It's brilliant because he will be getting all of the coverage, not the Fake News.

  3. I don't think he's scared of them, he's just too thin-skinned to take their taunts and insults. Trump can dish it out but he can't take it. He won the election because people hated Mrs. Clinton. If that hatred is absent in the next election, who knows what will happen!
