Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Lake Worth Jazzy Senior Program

Former commissioner, Retha Lowe

was in the chamber last night along with some members of the Senior Group that meets at the Osborne Center every Tuesday and Thursday between 10am and 1pm. They went to our Florida capitol for the annual senior event. It was said that there are 39 cities in Palm Beach County and Lake Worth was one of two that went to Tallahassee.

They are an extremely active senior group with "faith, fun and flair." They gave a plaque to Commissioner Maxwell for being so faithful in his support of their group and thanked Herman Robinson as well. City Manager Bornstein accepted for Maxwell as he was absent from the meeting due to a death in his family.


  1. How nice that their neighborhood has a DELUXE place to meet. Most of the other neighborhoods aren't that catered to.This neighborhood (who's members never do CRAP for their fellow citizens) are the masters at demanding "free shit" . And because the administration and "leaders" in the city are racist-these free loaders get it all.

  2. Retha looked great last night and happy. Retirement from this commission agrees with her. Thanks for doing things for Seniors, Retha.

    Right now, this is the only activity going for Seniors. We used to have the Shuffleboard Court and the Senior Center. We used to have a pool where Seniors could take aerobics.

  3. You can still go to the Senior Center on Lake Worth Road and they have tons of free activities and you do no have to pay $30. There is so much there as long as you are open to the fact that 90% of the people speak Spanish at the mid County Senior Center. They have free food each day too, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and lots of free stuff. This is the same center that used to be where Compass is now, it is a great place too. Maybe what they need is a place for white English speakers. Looks like Ratha's is all black, the mid count is all Spanish, so where is the white senior place around here?

  4. We are a diverse city, right? Skin color only matters to Democrats.

  5. So why don't Lynn and other white ladies go with Retha's group then? There are differences and comfort levels, we all feel comfortable in certain groups with our kind.
