Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Boston Marathon disrespects our flag

"The organizers of the Boston Marathon apologized on Monday for placing the American flag on the ground during an awards ceremony and pledged it would not happen again."

Read about it...


  1. If only they had made a dress out of it like Tomi Lahren or lined the inside of their suits like Pete Hegseth does.

    That's the proper way to display the flag! Follow Fox News' lead and you'll never have problems.

  2. I would suppose, in your way of looking at things, that wearing a t-shirt with the American flag on it is also "bad." What about someone wearing a tie in the colors of our flag?
    Unless an article of clothing is made from an actual United States flag, there is NO breach of flag etiquette whatsoever.l
    Democrats really have big problems--no love of country--no love of flag.

  3. I'm really tired of people like 7:13 justifying organizations that take a dump on our flag. At least these marathon people had the grace to recognize their huge mistake and apologize.They didn't try to make stupid apple vs oranges nonsense arguments. 7:12 your parents need to be slapped for not teaching you to admit when you made a mistake.

  4. 7:13 check the dictionary under "comparison" learn not to post before taking your meds.

  5. Anon at 7:13...I know what you're referring to and I do think there is a difference although I disagree with those who think wearing the image of the flag as a tie, cape, suit or underwear is okay. I think it's all wrong, whether it's technically permitted or not.

    The difference is some people apologize for it and others thinks its okay. The flag is a sacred piece of cloth and it, or it's likeness, should never be diminished.

  6. 1.15 is correct.discovery chanel had a program on about the flag and in the article was a list of dos and donts to do with the flag.i am trying to find the list .it was no laws but rather labeled as rules for respecting the flag.

  7. lynn read the respect the flag is interesting.NO one should wear the flag in clothing or patches except soldiers,police ,firemen,emts.there are others so its good read

  8. Already addressed that above. NO part of a REAL flag can be used for clothing, etc..
