Sunday, March 17, 2019

Trump Tweets


  1. This is just one of those times I wish Trump would keep from tweeting. I like what he's doing overall but his behavior on twitter is just embarrassing. I'm sorry if people don't like to hear it but he'd be a great president if he just acted a little more grown up on social media. It would take me from good supporter to a great supporter.

  2. @5:11...I get it. But please consider this--He has not received any favorable press for the last 3 years and since he was elected on anything he has accomplished, which has been a lot. He has to toot his own horn and express how he feels. The Main Stream Media won't. And now we have Fox even acting stupid.

  3. Maybe, Lynn, but he is charge of his Twitter account and his words. It's getting getting harder to stand up for him when he does things like this. It's just soooooooo embarrassing to say that I still approve of him. Accomplishments are great, don't get me wrong. But I want someone to act like an adult as my President. I shouldn't need to say that...but it is what it is.

  4. It really sounds ridiculous to have the President make an impassioned plea to support a FOX TV personality. Fox seems to be getting rid of them one by one, and what is he going to do then. I think he must really miss the days when he reigned supreme on reality TV. Trying to run the country like he ran The Apprentice is wearing us all out.

  5. @10pm--He reigns supreme today as President of the United States. And on top of that, he is making America Great Again, but NO thanks to you and your liberal radical crazies.
    Keep up the tweets, Mr. President. The Fake main stream media is out to destroy our country and its values and all the little sheep have fallen in line.

  6. I'm GLAD that the President is out there tweeting!!! The press has become an arm of the Democratic Party .Period. There is NO moderate view out there on the news. And after ALL of the vile,FALSE things spewed about the President on ALL of the "mainstream media"(No one is taking THEM off the air for their total bull shit lies),FUC FOX for going after the HONEST words of Judge Jeanine! KEEP TWEETING because the MAJORITY of Americans LOVE to hear the TRUTH about what's really going on ! Trump 2020!

  7. The socialist Dems are getting FREAKED out by what is FINALLY being exposed and they are doing EVERYTHING in their power to STOP the TRUTH FROM GETTING OUT TO THE PUBLIC!!!! Ocasio -crazy and their "green new NIGHTMARE" is being laughed at by EVERYONE! If they don't find a way to shut down FOX news,they are SCREWED!
