Sunday, March 17, 2019

Clinton and the El Chapo Connection

Wikileaks: Mexican Drug Kingpin, El Chapo, Donated 15M to Clinton Foundation

Everyone knows that these are the people and their Foundation that need to be investigated. The only ones who won't admit it are Democrats. They like to tell anyone who will listen that Trump is corrupt along with his entire family. Words are cheap. Truth doesn't matter.

"A report from intelligence officials found with “high confidence” that $320M Mexican Pesos (approximately $15M USD) was transferred from Guzman’s offshore shell assets in Saudi Arabia and Ukraine to Hillary Clinton’s private account in the Cayman Islands. This was then redirected to the Clinton Foundation."

Read article... from 2017.


  1. Wow! How come this is not leading the news headlines???? Oh yeah,,,,,

  2. No comments here about Clinton taking blood money?

  3. The Clinton/el shorty Crime Family. It's obvious why he supports it.
