Monday, March 4, 2019

Thursday night is the night for Tom Trento

6pm, Atlantis Country Club this Thursday, March 7--$16 members--$19 non-members

Communist ideology is based upon the writings of Karl Marx. Communism is now the leaning of the Democrat party..."the state will wither away as the people achieve a utopian state of equality and cooperation." You have to wonder, in the greatest economy in the history of our country under President Trump, why people want to bring down America.  Truly they are enemies of the people.

Democrats toss around words like “fascist” when referring to President Trump using it as a term of abuse or swear word hoping people will believe it.

Come on out on Thursday night and you will get the "skinny."


  1. When you've declared that 50% of Americans are your enemy, Lynn, that's far right extremism. If you really believe that and you're not just bomb throwing for giggles, there's a lot of federal agencies who are interested in what else you're doing.

    Act accordingly.

  2. @9:20--what an extreme nut job you are.
    50% of the country is the enemy of our republic...not my enemy personally.
    Ya'll calm down and thank God every day that we have the best President this country has ever seen. Feel eternally grateful instead of hating. You will have a happier life instead of wasting taxpayer money trying to take down the President. Nothing but the last two years of BS and now we can look forward to the next 2 years of BS from disgruntled Democrats who want to over-throw our country. That's the truth; it's not extreme.

  3. 9:20 is the threat maker, act accordingly.

  4. Lynn, you did say that Democrats are the enemy of the people. What "people" did you mean if you didn't mean Americans? If you're going to talk big, back it up...don't wimp out when you're called on it...or don't say it at all.

  5. You are the enemy.
    and don't tell me what to do.
    got it?
