Monday, March 4, 2019

Lake Worth City Commission Meeting

UPDATE on the Lake Worth City Commission meeting--

March 5
Regular Meeting

So, who's surprised? How many months has the commission only met one time? Too many to go back and count. This is a great job if you can get it...double the salary from a few years ago, car allowance of $6,000 a year, medical, 401k, etc.

Now we have two running for election in District 1 and four running in District 4 (really  only 3 because one has been a total no-show). The incumbent in District 1, Omari Hardy, actually reads and comprehends the back-up. He asks the hard questions that drives the rest of the commission nuts.

One more week until election day. It's crucial.


  1. We need some new blood in dist 4.

  2. we need new blood in the whole all new

  3. Oh no now what am I gonna do? Guess I’ll drive around town and take pictures of things I don’t like and maybe file some code complaints.

  4. 4:52 knock yourself out, Pam, your mileage is free.

  5. I heard the PBPOst had a big article in the paper yesterday about the dying city of Lake Worth and how all the shops are all closed up and empty. The city has gone to hell, blame pam, andy, and scott, and the other dudes for all of that. The city could be so nice. Their greed and corruption are to blame for the downturn in the city. pam and andy are super greedy and selfish. People who vote in Lake Worth are STUPID to keep these goons in office. Vote the bums out!

  6. Might as well vote for Peters! They own practically the whole town.
