Monday, March 4, 2019

The Pompous Little Twit

Greenpeace co-founder reprimands AOC: 'You'd bring about mass death'

If there's one person who might actually know something about the environment, it's the co-founder of Greenpeace, who left the group after it was "hijacked by eco-fascists."

Now, he's just uncorked a ferocious smackdown of Democrat Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and he holds nothing back--

Read about AOC... and Greenpeace co-founder who has a PhD in ecology telling her that she is a garden type hypocrite with her New Green Deal.


  1. There certainly is no magic bullet for saving the environment. Everything hinges on everything else. Small incremental improvements would seem to be warranted, but what of the emerging economies who are only interested in escaping poverty, and couldn't care less about the environment, that is if they ever even gave it a thought. Any solution that would be imposed on the public would only be a half-measure and might not even include the biggest offenders. Fortunately, I've managed to live a pretty good life on this planet, but I can't say everyone will get to have the same experience.

  2. Can someone PLEASE tell AOC to ditch the pearl ear bobs? Bringing attention to her unattractive ,shriveled appendages stuck on where most people have ears is not a good look.
    Finally ! Someone with the good sense to call a pompous twit a pompous twit!
    I demand a new reality show making AOC survive under the same conditions that she wants the rest of us to survive under!
