Monday, March 4, 2019

Let's crack down on former employees and treat them like crap

Is the City of Lake Worth really telling Sally Welsh the following? Sent to me by a Friend of the Lake Worth beach and pool.

The way the story was told to me was that Sally gave an aerobics class this past Saturday and Sunday in the Atlantic Ocean. She was then told by the head lifeguard, Matthew Botts, that she needed a permit. Then she was told that she couldn't do it, period. Perhaps it is simply a liability issue as she was not charging?

The city is calling my former water aerobics instructor, a former employee of the city and telling her she needs a permit to lead a class in the ocean with other people! Please tell me they have no authority over this! I am livid!

Now how long has Sally worked for the city? She "retired" right after she came to a commission meeting defending our Lake Worth Olympic pool. Coincidence? Sally says she has been welcomed by the County and will have her FREE class at Kreusler Park, right next to the Lake Worth beach.  Look for her announcement on her Facebook page.


  1. Shameful,Lake Worth.Why are we having good people move away from Lake Worth? Because it has become a ridiculous place to try to live life in.

  2. Sally's a great gal. It's too bad things like this happen.

  3. do you need a permit to play volleyball on the beach or to thro a frisbee

  4. I thought about Baptism today taking place at the LW beach and in the Atlantic Ocean.

  5. this town is so full of bullies and freaks its really getting bad.a drone just flew over our yards at 7.45pm.makes you wonder if its city or peeping tom

  6. A lot of people who go to the beach and work there and know people there say the head lifeguard is racist and nasty with so many people, he treats people poorly and is quite nasty with other employees up there. No one really likes him, I guess he gets his jolly's out of being like this with Sally. Karma will get him someday. The city needs to get rid of all these looser leaders who let it go to their heads.

  7. Well, andy and pam are bullies too, plus super greedy and corrupt. Why on earth do people vote to keep these thugs in office is incomprehensible to many of us I am sure.

  8. 8:23 You clearly have no idea what you are talking about. Mat Botts and his family have been in this town longer than most and are loved by many. Mat cares more about this city and the people in it than you are anyone you know. We should be grateful to have an employee that cares so much and he shouldn't have to take crap from know it all asses like yourself. As a former employee I can assure you Mat is not hated by any of the beach staff and he goes out of his way to help anyone at the beach, staff or public. If Sally had any idea what she was doing the pool should have been more successful after all wasn't she the lake worth pool guru During my employment at the pool I had more problems with Sally than anyone should ever have to deal with or be subjected to. Sally has no business taking anyone out in the ocean she is even a liability in a pool. You should clearly do research before you run your mouth and slander people. Mat is far from a bully and you should be slapped in the head for even suggesting he is a racist.

  9. Anonymous 5:23 There are many people that are grateful to Mathew for saving their lives. Because of Mathew they got to go home and see their families again, How Many people have you saved. Mathew is not the head lifeguard he is the Chief, you obviously do not know very much about our beach or the people that go there.

  10. I find this entire post disheartening. I was a regular patron of the pool and had interactions with both Sally and Matt never once hearing anything negative or racist from either. Sally had only ever had positive things to say about Matt as a person and employee and vice versa. Seems to me declaring someone is a RACSIST is far more FOUL compared to a couple of elementary school curse words but it’s not my blog .

  11. The "entire" post "disheartening?" You gave your opinion; someone else gave theirs.
    I will say that no one has ever been "racist" who works for our city of which I am aware. Hopefully, they are not.

  12. @9:55 & @10:11, etc. above. This is how it was relayed to me. I trust my sources but certainly appreciate your loyalty to Mr. Botts. What I don't appreciate is your use of foul language. He could be the most wonderful person who ever lived. That is not what this blog was was about chasing Sally out of our ocean, an ocean that is not owned by the City.
    Sally was hired to be an aerobics instructor at our pool and give swimming lessons. She had worked there for decades. She had no responsibility to its failure. That is on the heads of our present administration. The fact she no longer works for the city is on the head of Michael Bornstein because he did not fund her salary in the budget. Long term employees should be treated much better.
    Head or chief--big woopie...semantics. Anything else?

  13. It's good to know that the county is allowing her to go into the ocean there. Crazy stuff always in Lake Worth.

  14. Unfortunately, someone "got" to the County. Sally will not be there. My blog was the stimulus for them to shut her down as well.

  15. Lynn, look at how many very talented and good employees have left or been fired from the city just because they did not believe in performing illegal functions or not agreeing to mistreat employees. Look at you electric utilities and how many have been removed, fired or left for other jobs because of how they are treated or mistreated. and where have they gone, to better jobs, better positions and have made big differences in the new companies they have gone to. As a fellow employee we need to make changes at the asst director levels and city leaders if we ever want out city to improve.
