Monday, March 18, 2019

Shooting yesterday "near Lake Worth"

And so much for the name change...people now don't know what IS and what ISN'T Lake Worth. We all know where the beach is.

Read about it...


  1. OMG! If this weren't so f'n sad, I'd laugh my butt off. So now we have- what? Do we live in Lake Worth BEACH or just LAKE WORTH ? And where is NEAR lake Worth??? So all of the counties crime will now be happening NEAR LAKE WORTH! PRICELESS!!!

  2. No one lives on the beach, the condo communities on A1A are South Palm Beach, not LW.

  3. Some of the condos are Palm Beach. It depends on the zip code.

  4. Aside from the location, the Azteca48 spanish news said this woman died. None of the local English news updated this. Interesting.
