Monday, March 18, 2019

Murdoch to dismantle life's work

Fox News CEO to Dismantle Media Empire

Good. Perhaps taking this Hollywood influence out of Fox will be a good thing for America and Fox will be allowed to concentrate on the real news. Get rid of these Democrat commentators for a start who are all bad actors.
jstlokin • 9 hours ago Great; then he should take control of his liberal kids, and turn FOX, into the straight forward, truthful news channel, that this country needs, to offset, the horrible propaganda liars, destined to destroy the truth at every turn, and help this countries' citizens, understand the crap that's been taking place, while the MSM just lies to every American that are unfortunate enough to watch them and think they really care for the constitution, the bill of rights, the Delcaration of Independence, and the people that make up this nation...
Read about it...

1 comment:

  1. Please don't bad mouth Fox. As bad as it is, it's the only thing that keeps Us together. Without it, we don't have a reliable source of information.
