Friday, March 22, 2019

President Trump can Build the Wall

The low roar you hear outside is liberal weenies moaning from sea to shining sea as the Pentagon comes up with $13 billion for border wall funding

"The Pentagon is today reporting that it has found $12.8 billion to apply toward border wall funding, which is coming from the DOD budget, not from Syria operations, but from a little here and a little there."




  2. So Trump tried to negotiate,he asked the Dems nicely. Trump wanted 5 billion.Trump was even willing to give the illegal DACA young people a pathway to citizenship.Then he said he would accept LESS THAN 5 Billion. But NOOOOOO! Nancy Pelosi stated"Not ONE DOLLAR" for the wall. (Gee where was Nancy when Barry O. sent 150 BILLION IN CASH to Iran)? God blinded Pelosi and hardened her heart ,against all reason.Now Trump has been given 13 BILLION. God will pour out his blessings on a bigger scale than we even know how to ask. Praise God!

  3. I can't stand the fact that he's taking money away from military families when he said Mexico was going to pay for it. It's not right. He has been way too critical of military people and now this.

  4. Trump is not taking money away from military families. The military loves Trump and his policies. Anon@9:21 must be listening to TV news and believing the liars propagandizing for the democratic socialist party. Obama was decimating the military while in office, Trump has reversed this and is making it healthy and strong again.

    Also.... You can already say that by changes in trade, Mexico IS paying for the wall.....regardless of whether you like the metaphor or not, the security issue at the southern border is a national emergency threat, and America can not sit back and try to get blood from a stone....or money from Mexico.
    In the long run, they will lose this money to us in Trade, and in lost Drug sales and lost sex trafficking.
