Friday, March 22, 2019

Cesar Sayoc Guilty of sending Pipe Bombs

I met Cesar Sayoc when he was standing in line right next to me at a Trump rally in 2016. He didn't seem "off" but rather an ordinary guy who claimed to be extraordinary as a leader of the Seminole Tribe. I chalked it up to the fact that many people want to feel special but his story, although odd, seemed perfectly rational. WFLX, Channel 29 must have thought so as well because they interviewed him.

Read about it...

He plead guilty yesterday for sending pipe bombs to CNN and to haters of Donald  Trump. He will be sentenced in six months.


  1. Cesar Sayoc was a normal Trump lover.

    You are right.

  2. @9:08--He was about as normal as the Democrat Bernie supporter who shot Steve Scalise and tried to kill all Republicans in that baseball field.

  3. 9:08 Mom says to tell you that you need to put a load of towels in the washer before you go collect your welfare check.And she says she wants your rent BEFORE you buy your beer and smokes.

  4. This Filipino Sayoc was staged like a play by Dems

  5. Sayoc: Fakohantas Warren's brother.

  6. He PLEAD guilty not found guilty.

  7. When Trump calls CNN "the enemy of the people," Republicans like Sayoc are listening.

  8. right along with 65 million dumbazz Hillary supporters who know it's true.
