Wednesday, March 13, 2019

62 Votes

I blame the commission for putting it on the ballot, the city manager who can't give us a cost on this and behind the entire thing, and the ignorant public who have not lived here long enough to care. Hell, this is the generation knocking down monuments that voted for this. These are the renters in this transient city (60%) where the name change will not affect them. And it's not going to change the fact that everyone will still call it "Lake Worth."

We needed 4 more votes per precinct to win this...but it was the City with all the clout and the City Manager coming on WPBF the night before the election to politic for it. What a sad day that the name of our city, in existence for over a century, had no relevance.


  1. You guys lost. Get over it.

  2. God answered out prayers and made us Lake Worth Beach!

  3. I just hope this doesn't cost me anything!

  4. the jerks are up early this morning.

  5. sorry but GOD didn't get involved if he did we wouldn't be in the mess we are in

  6. The Wikipedia entry for Lake Worth Beach is funny. It says the eastern border of the city is the Lake Worth lagoon, from which the town gets it’s name.

    True enough. But shouldn’t an east coast beach town border on the beach? The wiki might as well say it’s a lake beach lol. Then other articles say we barely have a beach.

    In any case, I’m on the fence about the change. People do definitely distinguish between Cocoa and Cocoa Beach, so who knows.

  7. I am very puzzled. This morning on my way to work I saw a car accident on Dixie . How can something like this even happen in the magical town of Lake Worth Beach that we now all live in?

  8. I understand the vote was close and not everyone wanted it, but really you can still call it Lake Worth. This name change is part of the history of the city now. Try to not be so mad about it. It is just the addition of one word.

    Sure, adding beach might do nothing, but it certainly won't make anything worse. If there is any chance it might make the city a little bit better, it's worth it.

  9. Lake Worth Beach: airbnb and Irish pub capital of S. Florida.

  10. Well if there really are THAT many airbnb rentals....people must really love to visit the city! and I think you need more than a dozen irish pubs to be the "capital" for the state- but what do I know. So much negativity in the comments here it's baffling.

  11. Changing the name-even by ONE WORD is going to be very expensive for the city and the businesses. And if the attitude is like"come on,it's only one word",then why did they even do it in the first place?

  12. Yes, they probably talked it all over in Brogues, and decided it was only fitting that a town near the beach should have the name beach in it's name, and then the developers and real estate whores saw that they could manipulate these people to their advantage.

  13. Unfortunately, negativism is new-speak for realism. Keep taking those little pills your doctor gives you 10:44, and you'll never have a negative thought. You won't have to deal with the real world at all.

  14. @12:02 I am not on any medication nor have I ever consumed recreational drugs...and I have no idea what little blue pills are. You seem to be familiar with them though....

    I have my issues with the city and no place is perfect. However, there is nothing to gain by simply bashing the place I live. I have noticed a lot of the comments on this blog are just plain negative and not any sort of constructive criticism. I appreciate a healthy debate about pros and cons on the issues, but someone making blanket sarcastic statements is not helpful to anyone (the airbnb pub capital comment).

    I really enjoy this blog because Lynn makes an effort to remain nonpartisan and has declared her support for candidates and ideas based on their individual contribution and is able to set her own beliefs aside. Which is very hard to do!

  15. is this revenge for Maxwell because he lost the ball park

  16. I did not mention the color of the pills 12:02. Please read more carefully next time. Who knows, maybe you're starting to come alive.

  17. Lynn, just because they did this, doesn't mean it can't be undone. There will be other years, and other elections.

  18. Now that we all know there are all of these airbnb's in our neighborhood, it will be easy enough to report them to the city to make sure they have their proper licenses and permits, inspections, etc. Also, it will be interesting to see if they still qualify for a homestead exemption since they are operating a business out of their home. NO more Free Lunch!

  19. Hard to be positive in this quirky beach town when one is observant. Taking out of town visitors to Lake ave is a mine field. 2 addicts were walking behind us having a loud argument complete with gutter language. Embarrassing.

  20. has anyone had any success reporting an unlicensed airbnb?

  21. 7:01pm only Pollyanna imagines success with that. I am positive there are a lot of unearned homestead exemptions in that shady business.

  22. One of the advantages of a Condo ASSN or HOA, is that you do have some control of who is staying there. Much more difficult without an association. Still, it's in your interest to know what the city requires as far as rental properties are concerned. Then there's also the IRS.

  23. I like this long string of "anonymous" comments while Lynn isn't anywhere to be seen.

    Imagine that!

  24. Well, most people who live in South Palm Beach lie and say they live in Palm Beach and are not proud of the fact they really live in a great municipality, South Palm Beach. So much for putting on airs and pretentiousness of most people today here. A bunch of phony baloneys. There are so many fake big liars today, no one can be simple, down to earth, and honest. Vanity is the name of the game, it is all image. But most have NO CLASS NOR EDUCATION! So sad!

  25. @10:38--you are one cynical SOB. There are some blogs that don't need my input. or explanation. In this case with your comment, there is. This outcome does not sit well with half the voters. It never should have been on the ballot and since it was, it should have been decided by a super-majority. A name change is very important but those who voted for it showed no consideration to any of that. I blame this dais of Maxwell, Triolo, Amoroso, Robinson and especially the city manager. I blame Robinson for saying "let the people vote" instead of standing up and doing the right thing.

  26. 10:38 imagine weren't a bitter troll.

  27. It wouldn't hurt any of us to know what the laws are regarding rental properties. If out neighbors had any inkling that we know what is going on, they wouldn't be so quick to rent out their properties illegally, right under our noses.

  28. If you want to find out if a property is a legitimate airbnb, I think you will be able to find that out from airbnb. If the people are just saying it's an airbnb, airbnb will have no record of it. I have been told that airbnb runs a tight ship. Not so with the average Bozo who pretends to be listed with them.

  29. Maybe we should demand a recount. Further to the point, how many of these votes were actually legally registered voters?

  30. I know it might sound like whinning but 4-30 has a good point with all the fraud that has happened last few years
