Thursday, January 31, 2019

Message from the American Jewish Congress

The American Jewish Congress supports the decision of President Trump and the United States administration to recognize Juan Guaidó as President of Venezuela, and to condemn the actions of the now-illegitimate President Nicolás Maduro.

Since assuming office in 2013, Nicolás Maduro has corrupted and degraded Venezuela's system of democracy. We have seen this in his subversion of the Venezuelan people's right to choose their leader, in his efforts to maintain power through rigged elections that have been denounced as "sham elections" by the international community, and in the continued political repression and jailing of representatives of civil society and political opponents.

Two years ago, we called for the release of political prisoners in Venezuela, including Mayor Antonio Ledezma, one of the leaders of the opposition and former Mayor of Caracas, whom we had the pleasure to engage with and host at our International Mayors Conference in Israel. The American Jewish Congress will continue to support and stand in solidarity with the freedom-loving people of Venezuela.

We hope that all the international community will join the United States, Canada, and other countries, as well as international bodies such as the Organization of American States (OAS), in pressing for the realization of democratic principles in Venezuela.

Jack Rosen
American Jewish Congress

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