Thursday, January 31, 2019

Homicide in Lake Worth

Homicide in Lake Worth

Another shooting--this time murder? Oh no, it can't be...especially as the entire dais keeps bragging that crime is going waaaaay down--27% I believe they said.

Read about the murder... on South K Street.


  1. This page is soooo boring I can’t even troll it anymore

  2. Good to hear,11:18 . With your new free time you can paint the basement and help your Mom with the laundry.
    As to the shooting- Very sad for the residents in that area. We all need to be concerned,but the sad reality is that until the people that live in that area start getting active in Lake Worth nothing is going to change.

  3. It doesn't help much though when the city elected, manager, and police won't even go to that area because it is so dangerous there. Just got to Howard Park down there, they blatantly sell drugs out in the open and so much is going on there, but the police won't have a presence and the city does nothing about all the crime and problems there. The place has gone to hell. Lake Worth now is just filled with renters, illegals, welfare cases, and druggies and losers. It ain't getting any better and hasn't for many years now. what does scotty say or do about his dumpy district?

  4. Saying District 1 is a dump is certainly exaggerating. This murder did not take place in District 1.

  5. So do you feel safe going to Howard Park by yourself Lynn?

  6. Lynn and I have walked the area going door to door campaigning. Granted ,it was not 3 AM in the morning.
    6:55, why are you not calling 911 if you are seeing drug dealing going on? e-mail Capt Baer. talk to your Commissioner and the city manager. They have always been very proactive when our area has had specific problems that we needed help with.
