Friday, December 21, 2018

Trump Tweets

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  1. Thank GOD !!!! Trump is standing up for the American people!

  2. Another 400+ point loss on Wall Street today, Lynn! Whoo hooo, MAGA MAGA MAGA.

  3. @5:50--Ms. Personality no-nothing.
    I see you know very little about the stock market and more than likely you have no $$$$ in the market.

    Thanks to the Federal Reserve raising interest another 1/4 point, the 4th raise this year, there has been a big sell off. "The 10-year Treasury note – whose key rate impacts the pricing on things ranging from fixed-rate mortgages to stocks to virtually every financial asset on the planet – recently climbed above 3.25 percent for the first time since May 2011. And when you add the threat of higher borrowing costs on things such as houses and cars and corporate debt to the economic obstacles caused by the U.S. trade war with China, all it takes is a whiff of weakness to set a major sell-off in motion."

    There are a lot of things that affect the market but this has nothing to do with Trump and he continues to MAGA. Also, December is the month where investors sell and take their profits. Nothing unusual. It will go back up.

    So, stop acting like the fool.
