Friday, December 21, 2018

Louie Gohmert speaks out on RINO Ryan

Louie Gohmert outs traitor Paul Rino

revealing that he encouraged GOP House members to campaign against President Trump in 2016 [PowderedWig]

Last night, the House approved a budget through February 15 that included money for the border wall of $5.7 billion. Today, it goes to the Senate where it needs a super-majority vote. Democrats have promised that border security will not pass.


  1. You know how far far right (or stupid) you have to be to consider Paul Ryan a RINO?

  2. That really is a stupid question.
    Paul Ryan has been a Never-Trumper since inception.

  3. So, in your mind, if you're a Republican and don't like Trump, you're not a Republican?

    Just trying to understand the Trumpian mind.

  4. So, you have to have a mind in order to think this through.

  5. So,in your mind, are you a troll? 12:50 just trying to understand.

  6. Hey Bozo at 2:19. Do you know who Paul Ryan is? He's anything but fat!

    Keep listening to Lynn; you'll get far in life. Like She Did!

  7. @6:26--LOL
    Well, I got to retire when I was 60. Now I have plenty of time to answer your sh*t.
