Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Robo calls and Robo scams

Jingle hell: Scam calls hit record levels in 561 area code this holiday season

Nothing annoys me more than robo calls or some live solicitor who wants my money.  I definitely get more of these calls on my land line than I do on my cell phone and I don't have caller ID. I find myself screaming into the phone at a recording! Registering with the Florida Do Not Call has brought no relief and things are worse than ever. Why can't these calls be stopped?

Read about it...


  1. Just don't answer your phone. They almost never leave a message. Why get so upset. I have my phone set on three rings, and I hardly ever get to it in three rings anyway. Even if I do answer it, I just say something like: Yes, what is it. Completely throws them off.

  2. Have some fun with them.

  3. Say: who's calling? That cuts off the call.
