Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Learn the difference: Illegal and Legal immigration


  1. How's that border wall coming, Lynn?

    - No middle class tax cut he promised.
    - No cut in prescription drug prices.
    - No wall.
    - Stock market crashing.
    - Criminal investigations everywhere.

    Trump took you guys to the cleaners and you still don't realize it yet.

    America's suckers.

  2. Hey--some things take a super-majority in the senate to pass.
    Trump signed two bills aimed at lowering drug costs in early October.
    No wall because Democrats refuse to give him the money. BUT, he will find a way to build the wall without those in charge trying to bring down our country. Why do you want these criminals invading our country? Pretty sick.
    Stock market is not crashing. this is the time of year people sell and take profits.
    Criminal investigations everywhere because that is what Democrats are focused on doing. Awful people. Oh, so and so lied back in 1986.

  3. 4.48 is still so sore Clinton lost they cant see the lite at the end of the tunell

  4. Hey, Lynn, help us Build The Wall. I can see you're passionate about building the President's wall so I know I can count on you for at least $80 in support. Thank you!

  5. Hey 4:48- Justice Gorsuch and Justice Kavanagh. And Ruthie ain't doing so well. Enough said.

  6. 4:48 is describing the imaginary Clinton presidency. The president is Trump and the first lady is beautiful for a change. Merry Christmas.
