Saturday, November 17, 2018

The True Racists

Pelosi Thanks Al Sharpton For “Saving America”

"Thank you for helping take back America. People all over the place are calling me, writing, in airports, here and there, saying, ‘Thank you for saving America.’ I give those thanks to you. Thank you for saving America. Reverend Sharpton, thank you for saving America.”

~ Rep. Nancy Pelosi

Al Sharpton is a racist and one of the most hateful people alive. Some of his comments include the following:

“White folks was in the caves while we (blacks) was building empires. … We built pyramids before Donald Trump ever knew what architecture was. … We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it.”

Sharpton again: “So (if) some cracker come and tell you ‘Well, my mother and father blood go back to the Mayflower,’ you better hold your pocket. That ain’t nothing to be proud of. That means their forefathers was crooks.” Sharpton also offered, “If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house.”

Despite such racism, President Barack Obama made Sharpton his go-to guy on matters of race and now the Speaker of the House is thanking him for "saving America." It gets more bizarre every day.


  1. hey Sharpton maybe my ancestors were crooks but I didn't here of drive by shootings.and if your people did so much on teaching it didn't are a racist and as long as you are around there will never be peice

  2. Lynn - please delete @10:42. The typos are embarrassing.

  3. @11:05--when people are typing, it is easy to have a typo especially if they are on their cell phone. So, who is embarrassed? You? Be more embarrassed about your "leader" giving alcolades to a racist.

  4. hey 11.05 got your I know you are a dem racist.but found out how to get you to have a right to your opinions in this country so I will say a prayer for you.PRESIDENT TRUMP KEEP MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN

  5. Al Sharpton became famous by spreading the lies of teenager Tawana Brawley that she had been attacked and put into a plastic bag with feces. She was found to have made up this story to cover for staying out late and Sharpton used her lies to sleaze his way into prominence. Glad he and his president friend are fading into the woodwork.

  6. Good job Katherine, you showed him.

  7. Pelosi is out of touch, no one believes Sharpton is anything more than a scammer who can't speak properly. If he represents anything it's the ingrained racism that cuts both ways.
