Saturday, November 17, 2018

Another Vehicular Homicide in Lake Worth

Incident #: 18144903
700 BLOCK S DIXIE HWY  |  11/15/2018 @ 6:59 AM
Palm Beach County Sheriff


  1. More has to be done to make Florida roads safer. I know what I would do, but I'm not in charge. There is no reason for the outright lawlessness I see on simple 35 mph roads like Federal or Dixie Hwy for example. Why would you risk lives, your own and others to get to a shopping mall 5 minutes sooner. It has to be political! All just bad habits established through lack of discipline and law enforcement.

  2. Uhhh,so who was involved,etc????? 90% it's a fuc$ing illegal,and 90% they were drunk.

  3. A loss of life is tragic God bless his or her soul. Legal l or illegal The Lord loves us all the same.

  4. God DAMN their soul if they were an ILLEGAL who took a life that they NEVER should have been able to take. And GOD DAMN the politicians that make these murders possible.

  5. Nice try dipshits 7:14 n 5:37 as I’ve been posting madd ignorant trash on Ms andersons blag since before she supported slick willie (she though he was handsome) and voted for Barry in 2008. Step yo game fools, she be gettin peroinoider more daily!

  6. @9:33pm...YOU are the "dipshit."
    What I am getting is more conservative on a daily basis--loving exposing all you losers, socialists, open border nut jobs, etc.
    And since you do so much research on my blog (I make it easy for you as my labels will lead you to what I wrote, unlike the other blogger), you will see I did not endorse "Barry" in 2008. I did support Bill Clinton and he did a great job getting our spending under control--we were in the "black" when he was president. Did not like some of his policies such as NAFTA.
