Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Migrant Caravan

Protests In Mexico Escalate – DHS Confirms Over 500 People In Migrant Caravan Are CRIMINALS!

The migrant caravan that is amassing at the San Diego border contains over 500 criminals, the Department of Homeland Security warned Monday. Contrary to reports by the media and immigrant activists, DHS officials said, the vast majority of the migrants are men, not women and children. The reports come amid growing tension between residents of Tijuana and the increasing number of migrants that officials say may be there for months. []

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And on top of this invasion, former Acting ICE Director Tom Homan said Tuesday that a "liberal" San Francisco federal judge (an Obama appointee, Jon S. Tigar), is the latest to attempt to stop President Trump from protecting the southern border.

1 comment:

  1. Illegals cost the American taxpayer over 70 BILLION (Yes that's with a B) per YEAR !! Yet some Open Border Bleeding Heart Socialists can't seem to pull their heads out of their butts long enough to understand what a dangerous situation these illegals pose to citizens here legally.How many American men ,woman and children will have to die of disease and murder(not to mention overdosing on drugs brought in by illegals) before the idiots get it? Do the OBBHS'S really crave power that badly?Obviously these OBBHS's have no compassion for homeless Americans dying on our streets.Trump is right America FIRST-then we can help the world.
