Wednesday, November 21, 2018

"As the Acosta Turns"

New rules that will govern White House press conferences:

  • 1) A journalist called upon to ask a question will ask a single question and then will yield the floor to other journalists
  • 2) At the discretion of the President or other White House official taking questions, a follow-up question or questions may be permitted; and where a follow up has been allowed and asked, the questioner will then yield the floor
  • 3) ‘Yielding the floor’ includes, when applicable, physically surrendering the microphone to White House staff for use by the next questioner
  • 4) Failure to abide by any of rules (1)-(3) may result in suspension or revocation of the journalist’s hard pass.

And if these rules get abused, the President or whoever conducting can end the conference.


  1. Question: Does Acosta get to call anyone Horseface? Or tell people they're dumb? Or lazy? Or crooked? Does Acosta get to give Trump a juvenile nickname? Or threaten anyone?

    Or are all those types of things reserved for the POTUS insisting on respect and decorum?

  2. From the sound of your question I guess you agree that Acosta can be a punk and allowed to walk all over the president of the United States with his crap.
    Acosta now has to follow the rules of decorum at Whitehouse press briefings or he can leave.
    Should the president be continually provoked by hateful Democrats? Is that it? Acosta needs to be respectful as do all those who attend and ask questions at these briefings.
    Perhaps Acosta can go to charm school.

  3. Acosta wants to make briefings the "Acosta Show," is always rude, inconsiderate of his fellow journalists, and uninspired in his questions.
    He forgets he is dealing with the elected President of the United States and his representatives and is only a salaried employee of the Communist News Network, not the star he thinks he is.

  4. Perhaps Trump can go to charm school.

    You get what you give. People will continue to disrespect those who disrespect them. Whether it's in the White House or a Lake Worth blog.

    Intolerant, bigoted people can't seem to understand the rules that the rest of humanity follows.

  5. @4:24--Wise up...just #walkaway. Or better yet, go bother someone else or go to a left-wing whack blog.

  6. Did Obama ever get called ANY of the names that the press has called President Trump? Was Obama EVER subjected to behavior anywhere near what Acosta and the rest of the Press think is OK behavior when speaking to the President of the United States? The double standard is disgusting. The American people are not deaf,dumb and blind. The chant "CNN SUCKS" is a well deserved indictment of a group of people who decided to $hit all over the concept of a free press.These briefings are an opportunity for serious questions to get information to the American public.Instead buffoons parading as journalists think the real objective is to pull down their collective pants and piss all over the President of the United States. The American people have had enough. And CNN really does suck.

  7. Anon at 8:18...what names has the press called Humpty Dumpty? Name one. They ask tough questions, Trump calls them names, they ask the questions again, he tells them to shut up or calls them stupid. There is no name-calling going on except by Trump. It's like right here on this blog. Lynn is a great example of the snowflake mentality that has taken over Trumpsters.

    Meanwhile, he calls them the enemy of the people, 5 journalists get killed, he calls them the enemy of the people hundreds of more times. Seriously, this all started back when he was campaigning and Trump was telling people to beat the hell out of liberals.

    You are right on one thing. The American people have had enough. It's time to take out the trash.

  8. @8:30--you are one angry person. Hope your Thanksgiving Day is a good one for you.
    In the meantime, just wanted to say, we took out the trash in Florida and elected DeSantis and Scott. Just wait for 2020.


  10. 8:30 the "I know you are but what am I" argument just shows that you have no real argument.Did any "Comedians" parade around with a severed Obama head? Did any Hollywood stars call Malia or Sasha "Cunts"? Did Conservatives have a collective mental breakdown,take to the streets,refuse to concede the 2016 election and fantasize about blowing up the White House? No ,of course not.Because the Right is made up of NORMAL AMERICANS.The left is the party of hate and intolerance. From the ex-pres ,Antifa right down to the poster at 8:30 PM.You lost. We keep winning. Go sit in a safe corner and weep into your pink pussy hat.

  11. CNN and the MSM gives negative coverage of President Trump and the conservative agenda 95% of the time.

    Acosta is one of their showboats and has an inflated opinion of his own intelligence and importance.

    I am surprised he lasted as long as he did in spite of his antics

    Thank God his rudeness is likely to get him another eviction soon.

  12. Which President ,negotiated with North Korea,Kim YON UN ,returned the remains of fallen Americans, left behind in North Korea,
    of the Korean War,63 years ago, left by all Presidents prior to only, first Strong, globally respected President of the USA,,TRUMP, to
    President TRUMP returned these remains to America for burial in the in the soil, of the Country they fought for!!!!
    Which President or sleazy commentator, attended the NATO meeting, and ended forced payment of DEFENSE of NATO member
    Countries many they did not even know,,by working America, since WWII,1946?Saving working America billions of $$$?
    Which smearing the President TRUMP democratic LOSER, created 4,000,000 jobs???Brought hundreds of businesses back to America, with his tax cuts, and deregulation,crippling businesses?The trash which attacks this First real Patriotic President, who does not focus on petty ,unimportant matters, like all insignificant to the global Community,G 7 ,primitive ill mannered street trash
    desperate for attention to their low, insignificant element.The present Media is progeny of the most vulgar,(streetwalkers???)who
    never experienced RESPECT for their betters, use the Media to vent their frustrations over being inconsequential creatures,
    with crude street trash level behavior,
    which has nothing to do with the once intellectual, high Academic achievers,culturally evolved ,back ground, at that time
    the FOURTH ESTATE! What we see today ,trash like Jim Acosta twin to street trash Jorge Ramos, primitive street trash with no manners, vulgar ,April God knows what gutter they crawled out of !!!They are not the FOURTH ESTATE, America's intelligentsia knows, and ignores!are primitive, street mannered democratic activists,
    NO JOURNALISTS,but activists, with nothing to offer the American people, like Maxine Waters,Democratic Party's KKK's Kamala Harris and
    as usual useless vicious, vulgar Democrats with no platform for the American people,
    unlike America's First real Mega achiever, strong President globally respected, not by nothings and ZEROs, products of slums,
    posing as journalists,deviling the profession once real!

  13. Loved the title of this article. "As Acosta Turns"
    He was the moderator of a segment today on CNN.
    It just made him a higher profile.
