Friday, November 16, 2018

Message from Numbers USA

Congress is back in session...
As many of you may know, Congress returned from a six-week recess on Tuesday to begin a month-long lame duck session.

On the top of its priority list is funding for seven government agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security. Congress must pass these funding bills by Dec. 7 to avoid a partial government shutdown.
Also on the to-do list is a criminal justice reform bill that Pres. Trump endorsed just yesterday. NumbersUSA takes no position on criminal justice reform, but we are concerned that the bill would allow for the early release of criminal aliens before they can be removed from the country.
Two actions you can take:

Action #1: No DACA for wall funding
There's been a push by some in Congress -- namely Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) -- to trade a DACA amnesty for border wall funding during the lame duck session. This could be done through either a standalone bill or the must-pass DHS spending bill.

Please cut and paste the following link to send your Members of Congress a message, urging them not to trade a DACA amnesty for wall funding. Our new, national exit polling found that midterm voters oppose a DACA-for-wall trade by more than a 2-to-1 margin.

Action #2: Fix criminal justice reform legislation
As it's currently drafted in the Senate, the criminal justice reform bill would allow for the early release of criminal aliens, including cartel and gang members, who have been jailed for committing deportable crimes before they can be removed by Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Please cut and paste the following link to send a message to your Republican Senator(s), urging them to oppose the prison reform bill until it prevents illegal-alien cartel and gang members from being eligible for early release.

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