Friday, November 16, 2018

Democrat Press Release on Ballot signatures

Democrat Press Release:


We now have until Saturday at 5 PM.

Judge Rules Signature Matching System Has “No Standards”

A U.S. District Judge has ruled in favor of Senator Bill Nelson’s challenge to the state’s signature matching rules that would have disenfranchised thousands of voters.

In a ruling, Judge Mark Walker (who was nominated by Obama), wrote that the signature match practice was “questionable” and had “no standards” to correct a ballot or challenge its rejection. The ruling gives thousands of voters whose ballots were rejected because the signature on the envelope did not match the signature on the state as on file to cure their ballots. Read more on this victory here.

Before this major ruling, the Washington Post and the New York Times reported on how Florida’s signature matching law could potentially disqualify thousands of Floridians from having their votes counted. The steps Senator Nelson’s campaign have taken will help ensure every lawful vote to be counted.
We here in Lake Worth have to use that little pencil with a rubber tip. No one's signature will ever match having to use that device but they have our driver's license right in front of them to confirm. However, those who send in their ballots are 100% responsible for their signature. If their signature has changed, it is up to them to notify the SOE or write it as it is on their driver's license or how it was written when they signed up to vote. It is not the SOE's responsibility to try and figure it all out nor is it the Judge's to change Florida law.

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