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Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Mad Max - Trump's biggest tormenter
I would guess that 80 year old Maxine Waters is going around her $4.8 million dollar house shouting out-loud, to herself "Impeach 45, Impeach 45."
With the Democrats picking up seats in the House, they now have the majority. It will be gridlock like we've never seen before. I would suspect that our President is ready for all these obstructionists.
Having been accused of ethics violations, she has faced serious ethics problems following the 2008 financial crisis, accused of improperly intervening on behalf of a minority-owned bank for which her husband had served on the board of directors and held a large block of stock.Waters denied the allegation and the charge was dismissed.
Now, Mad Max will be Chair of our house Financial Services Committee.
This woman is so awful. Can't imagine she will be chair of anything other than a kid's high chair.