Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Florida has Republican Governor and Senator

Palm Beach County Registered Voters as of 11/06/2018

REP:  264,904
DEM:  395,849
Other: 276,322
Total:  937,075

State of Florida Registered Voters as of 9-30-18

REP:    4,661,230
DEM:   4,918,415
OTHER:   99,322
NPA:    3,521,905
Total: 13,200,872

Yesterday, 8,132,250 voted for governor with Ron DeSantis getting 49.8% of the vote or 4,046,020 votes to become our next governor. In highly Democrat stronghold, DeSantis won 41.29% in Palm Beach County with Gillum taking 57.99%. Ironically, Gillum, a socialist, received millions for his campaign from two billionaires.

I went to bed before the Senate race was called but Rick Scott won by 50.2% of the vote or 4,067,686 votes and outed Bill Nelson who had retained that job since 2000. Scott won 41.74% in Palm Beach County with Nelson taking 58.26%. According to the center, nearly $160 million has been spent on Nelson’s match-up with Gov. Rick Scott.


  1. Gillum is not a socialist and both candidates received money from deep-pocketed donors.

    Is there nothing you can't misrepresent?

  2. What I wrote was accurate, anonymous. Crying this morning?

  3. Nope. Picked up 2 House seats in Miami-Dade and took over the House, plus won some great victories elsewhere, booting some longtime Republicans to the curb. Florida was a disappointment but we've lived with a sucky governor so long it won't be too hard to continue.

    I worry about what Americans, particularly Floridians, are going to do with healthcare more than anything else. I see a lot of folks going bankrupt like it was before the ACA came along. Republicans are more concerned about thousands of foreigners 1000 miles away than they are about Americans needing affordable healthcare.

    It was a mixed bag, overall. You'll prance around with your usual insults and middle-school taunts because that's all you really care about or are really able to grasp when it comes to politics, but, overall, I think it there were things that both sides could be happy about.

  4. Guess what, Ms. Know-It-All LOST again.
    Trump has been working on Healthcare and it got defeated thanks to John McCain. He still will work on it. He set up an "international pricing index" to lower the cost of prescription drugs as one example.
    Republicans are concerned about out country...period. Not just the illegal situation that is insanely ridiculous. I am concerned about the illegal situation overall and in Lake Worth...and your perspective on abolishing ICE and more sanctuary cities. We have to protect our borders and you love to mock this. I have no use for open border people.
    We who can't grasp politics?

  5. Had the socialist won, Florida could change its name to Venezuela. Especially South Florida, which is hanging in the balance and already has unlivable sections.

  6. The "Big Blue Wave" never materialized.

    Maybe there is not as much consternation over Trump and his policies as the media would have you think.

    It also shows how "out of step" our little liberal spot on the map is with everywhere else.

    So happy Mr. "Let's bring it home Flo-ida" isn't our Governor I could scream.

    Thank you "rest of Florida".

    I have great expectations for New Senator Skelator.

  7. They say Rick Scott is a crook. That may be, but he's our crook. I believe he may be able to do many good things for Florida. He's very effective. He has a relationship with Trump that can only help him to succeed. The best of luck to him!

  8. @6:39. "they say Rick Scott is a crook." Who are "they" Democrats? Great going. Scott is NOT a crook.
    And the reason I don't like Democrats, anonymous at 6:39, is because Democrats love to sucker punch without the facts. All they want to do is take down the president...their #1 goal.

  9. Lynn, the fact that Scott allegedly made millions bilking medicare is common knowledge, also that he took the 5th amendment rather than testify is well known. Whether he's guilty or not, only he knows. As I said: He's our crook!

  10. He was dragged through all of the mud when he first ran for governor. NOTHING, and I said, NOTHING, was ever proved against him personally.
    So, I want all Democrats to understand this--you are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law in America. Ya'll brought all of this up again during his race for Senator. It didn't stick years ago and didn't this time either.
    Now, if you want to go after a real sleaze, why didn't you go after Menendez in New Jersey. Not a peep out of you.

  11. You're right about Menendez. I would appoint him garbage collector.

    However, Scott was in charge, and irrespective of whether he is innocent or guilty, he should have been keeping a closer watch on what was going on.

    I like Scott. I think he was an effective Governor, and if he will just work on the environment, I would be very pleased indeed.

    Never forget Lynn: "Behind every great fortune there is a great crime." Money doesn't grow on trees!

  12. @11:45--I am cynical but NOT THAT cynical. Don't agree with your last sentence.
