Saturday, November 10, 2018

Live-Streaming is cost prohibitive says Lake Worth

Lake Worth is not airing live meetings anymore

Getting into the 21 Century for live streaming of city commission meetings is a cost problem says the city. Lake Worth residents wanted live-streaming; they were excited when they finally got it, but it all ended earlier this year after spending a fortune to get it on-line.

Lake Worth has always been paranoid about lawsuits and Glen Torcivia said that many cities have been sued for not being ADA compliant. Residents are now forced to attend the commission meetings if they want to know what's going on in real time.  I'm not sure that the city cares what residents think. This is a small amount of money in the scheme of things.

Sarah Malega, former candidate for District 1 commissioner: “Watching it live from home was more convenient than going to the chambers. It’s more comfortable in your home and it’s a lot more conducive for parents and for working people.

I thought we were being penny-wise and dollar foolish and that we were stepping over $100 to save $10. I think there are more reasons why we’re not paying to be compliant, it’s just easier to disconnect the live streaming. We’re spending money left and right on feasibility studies... but we can’t fix something like this.”

Read about it...


  1. if this is only because of the cost just proves the point this city does not investigate anything before they jump.looks like its more in line with the city not wanting EVERYONE to know what they were doing

  2. Lake Worth does not care about residents. All they want to do is spend your money.

  3. its so obvious give themselves big raise then spend .guess it makes them look good it their followers eyes.common sense went out just like morals and listening to others

  4. Most NON-TRANSPARENT Commission EVER! Maybe they could spend some of the millions on the penny tax they got on this!!!!

  5. I would have voted for Sarah,but when I saw her Spanish election flier? NO WAY ! I want illegals arrested and GONE from my city. Not butt kissed. If you can't read and understand ENGLISH then you should not be voting.

  6. Yah, cant pay for live streaming ut we can pay to send three commissioners to Los Angeles and Universal Studios for a week. that makes sense.
