Saturday, November 10, 2018

Another Socialist elected to Congress and a Muslim to boot

New ‘Anti-Semitic’ Dem. Rep. Supports Terrorist Org, Wants Israel Wiped from Map

Democrats are in Seventh Heaven (they love diversity) as Michigan just elected Rashida Tlaib, a Palestinian-American. Her victory was heralded by the liberal media as an historic moment, as she is one of the two first Muslim-American women to be elected to Congress. Tlaib hates, not only Jews, but just about anything American it seems.

She comes from Detroit and is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America. This Muslim dominated city is America's most crime infested and violent city in the country with its murder rate unsurpassed.

Read about this hater... who even draped herself in the Palestinian flag after her victory on election night.


  1. Well, you don't know that, anonymous at 7:27.
    Detroit is the murder capital of America...predominately minorities with 82% black but it is Muslim dominated. have your ever heard of Black Muslims?
    I know you love to get in your dig about white people and Christians but get your facts straight and stop using this blog as a sound board for your BS.

  2. I want a caravan update. We have thousands of ISIS terrorist and MS-13 gang members invading this country from the south. Who cares about Detroit? We're being invaded!

  3. Detroit is mostly black on black crime, I was there, I saw it. It takes a lot to survive in that city. The Muslims have areas such as Dearborn, once a fine community, some are vague about keeping their businesses and homes clean, but they keep to themselves.

  4. @8:22...I care about it because it is elected officials who make the laws in our country.
    @8:43...In the 2010 Census, about 42% of the population of Detroit was Muslim with 29% of them speaking some sort of Arabic. I am sure it is higher now. As said, many are Black Muslims.

  5. Detroit filed the largest municipal bankruptcy case in U.S. history, which it successfully exited on December 10, 2014. They have lost half their population.
    Crime is prevalent but this blog, or so I thought, was about a Muslim elected to Congress who hates America and who is a socialist. That will not help Detroit.

  6. The caravan!!! Where is the caravan? Is our military ready? These people are dangerous and no one seems to care about them anymore....

  7. LOL
    @11:12--keep drinking your Koolaid.
    Stay on topic, anonymous.

  8. We're talking about terrorists aren't we? We have 14,000 of them marching toward our border and everyone seems to have forgotten about them. So now it's wrong to talk about it? What is going on?

  9. Caravan? LOL. Hide the women and children! Here comes another caravan, another dud just like the last 2 or three before. Fake News!

  10. Appalling that Muslim women are sneaking into our politics using our instance on elevated females when they ate property in their own culture.

  11. @12:21...nothing "fake" about it.
    You seem to take a lot of pleasure dissing real threats to our country. I think all of you who want thes4e illegals crossing our border, uninvited, should pay for them.

  12. 9:26am nothing to joke about that crap is happening.
