Sunday, October 28, 2018

Robert Mueller's Trump/Russian Collusion Investigation

The Robert Mueller investigation began on May 17, 2017

"I think I even alluded to it, not using that word, the Muller investigation is to hide what Mueller and the establishment and the Democrats and the media, and Crooked Crazy Hillary we're doing all during the campaign.

The Mueller investigation is to hide that. To cover up what they did under the guise of trying to find so-called perps and enemies, which are Trump and Russia. When, in fact, the only lawbreaking, the only fakery, the only deceit that was used was Hillary Clinton, DNC, Barack Obama," said Rush Limbaugh.

There is no Trump/Russian collusion. It is time to end this costly investigation. From inception to June 2018, the Mueller probe has cost the US taxpayer a whopping $17 million to date and returned no evidence of collusion.

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